Physician Profile

Lee Gerson, MD

Lee Gerson, MD,

Lee Gerson, MD

  • Thoracic Surgeon
  • Assistant Professor of Surgery
Contact Information

To schedule a new patient appointment call 844-CANCERNJ (844-226-2376)
To schedule a follow-up appointment call 732-235-7615
For all other inquiries call 732-235-2465.

About Me

Every interaction I have with a patient and his or her family is guided by my desire to provide the kind of care I would want for myself or my own family member. Meeting a chest surgeon often evokes dramatic images and fears, particularly among family members, so I aim to treat everyone in my patients’ social support network as though they are my patient as well. In trying to provide the highest level of care for my patients, I strive to adopt and perfect the latest minimally invasive techniques for chest surgery while always keeping safety and quality in the forefront of my decision-making. Most importantly, I am a fierce patient advocate who spends extra time helping my patients navigate the healthcare system to achieve the best possible outcome.


Dr. Gerson sees patients at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset and Rutgers Cancer Institute in New Brunswick. 

Clinical Expertise

Areas of Interest: Minimally invasive surgical techniques, such as robot-assisted and VATS, are my preferred approaches, when possible, for the conditions I treat, which include: lung cancer; esophageal cancer; benign esophageal conditions such as reflux, hiatal hernias and achalasia; sympathectomy for excessive sweating and facial blushing; thoracic outlet syndrome; chest wall tumors; mediastinal diseases such as thymomas; pectus excavatum and carinatum (AKA “pigeon chest”); paralysis and eventration of the diaphragm.

Board Certification: American Board of Surgery American Board of Thoracic Surgery (board eligible)

Professional Affiliations: Society of Thoracic Surgeons American College of Surgeons